posted ago by jhartz39 ago by jhartz39 +77 / -1

FDR wins unprecedented fourth term.


He was first elected to the presidency in 1932 and served as President till mid-1945.

Twenty-Second Amendment was passed in 1951 which limited President to 2 terms. (Total of 10 years)


Remember when Johnson was sworn in as speaker, Scalise announced Johnson as the 45th speaker. Johnson should have been 56th speaker, Kevin McCarthy was the 55th.


Johnson being the 45th speaker seems to indicate we are going back to our original Constitution. The Organic Act was created in 1871 but it did not get voted in until 1876. The Organic Act created the United States Corporation.


Here is my question.

All of the Amendments that were ratified under the Corporation, do they get thrown out as well? They were not passed under our Original Constitution.

We had 15 Amendments under our old Constitution, the 16th Amendment was passed in the year 1909 under the Corporation.

Sixteenth Amendment:

The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.

Seems coincidental that the next Amendment passed under the Corporation establishes the power to collect taxes on income. I say getting rid of the Amendments that were ratified under the Corporate Constitution would be a wise move. If we really wanted to keep any of these Amendments, Congress could re-ratify them.

There were rumors that President Trump wanted to eliminate the income tax, here would be the perfect opportunity.

That also means we can get rid of the 22nd Amendment and we could keep Trump as President for many years to come. Trump has eluded to this.


Have a good day!!!