How ridiculous this are they. Bill gates just threatened the entire planet openly. I think he must be dead as I can't imagine anyone who planned condo that saying jack shit about it. Plus I thought that was elons idea to block the sun and have artificial sun? Ffs
Forbes sucks but they reported this.
“A Bill Gates Venture Aims To Spray Dust Into The Atmosphere To Block The Sun. What Could Go Wrong?”
When we view this with Spiritual perspective could this be comms to their evil spiritual empire?
Misinformation is dust that causes doubt, gossip, division, and such. Light is shinning on them and they hate it.
The "Sun", Bill Gates of Hell wants to block, is the "son of God"!
Yeah and the dust is his fairydust jabs
Forbes has been owned by Chyna for a decade.
Guess we can stop the green deal now lmfao!!!
How ridiculous this are they. Bill gates just threatened the entire planet openly. I think he must be dead as I can't imagine anyone who planned condo that saying jack shit about it. Plus I thought that was elons idea to block the sun and have artificial sun? Ffs