posted ago by Christine_grab ago by Christine_grab +21 / -0

Sermons from 1992: Are the recent discoveries on the Planet Mars really monuments built by some other culture? Is the mile-wide "Face" a carefully crafted monument, or simply a natural aberration? Is there a link between the "pyramids" on Mars, and the Great Pyramid of Egypt? Has all this been described in the Bible?

Part One: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkrfj16SwCw

Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRXW8PrkKwo&t=2s

My opinion: While part 1 is interesting, the first 40-minutes of part 2 is a review of part 1. If you are short on time, you can skip part 1.

The reason why I posted this is because of what he said in the last 15-minutes of part 2, which I think accurately predicted what is happening now with all the alien information coming out.

He said that in the end times, there will be a new world-wide religion. Missler thought that the new world religion will revolve around "aliens" in order to deceive us away from Christ, but I think that thanks to all the info that has come out about Project Blue Beam, we won't be dumb enough to fall for the alien invasion scam.

Back in 1992, no one ever saw transhumanism coming. I think transhumanism does qualify as a religion, and the recent world-wide push by the UN and companies such as Blackrock to force countries/corporations to adopt and push transhumanism qualifies it as the prophesied new world religion.