There's THOUSANDS of conspirators in his case. Personally, I think, let Biden go. He's a worthless human who will die soon. I want the people who helped him. The people who covered it up. I want the people who planned this, profited from this, and gained power from this.
I want them all pushed into a hole and buried alive.
Do not let them turn Joe into "the problem." He's a figure head. He ran from his basement. He had ZERO power to do this with. It was all lent to him by the pedophile elite class. They need to DIE. Joe can watch. That will be his punishment.
I agree somewhat. Let him watch as everyone around him are sentenced. And after he understands how he was one of the weak links that broke a 1000 year old cabal enterprise, he can swing with them
Pedo Joe may have been the figure head orchestrated by the back curtain masters, so he should witness each execution and understand that his is last. For he knowingly (and willingly) participated in TREASON and as such be willing to pay the price for said actions.
Why would you let Biden be the fall guy?
There's THOUSANDS of conspirators in his case. Personally, I think, let Biden go. He's a worthless human who will die soon. I want the people who helped him. The people who covered it up. I want the people who planned this, profited from this, and gained power from this.
I want them all pushed into a hole and buried alive.
Do not let them turn Joe into "the problem." He's a figure head. He ran from his basement. He had ZERO power to do this with. It was all lent to him by the pedophile elite class. They need to DIE. Joe can watch. That will be his punishment.
I see your point, but, no, Joe needs to hang for treason, as well as many others. He doesn't get a pass.
I figure every day spent alive with Jill is a punishment that can't be matched, even in Hell.
I agree somewhat. Let him watch as everyone around him are sentenced. And after he understands how he was one of the weak links that broke a 1000 year old cabal enterprise, he can swing with them
Pedo Joe may have been the figure head orchestrated by the back curtain masters, so he should witness each execution and understand that his is last. For he knowingly (and willingly) participated in TREASON and as such be willing to pay the price for said actions.
That is spelled obama/soros/clinton.
He's not Joe Biden. He's an actor in a mask.