It’s an account that fades in and out of prominence. Usually because what they post ends up having a direct or indirect relation to media stories and or significant events before they actually enter the news cycle or actually occur.
I would put the link, but this account makes only keeps 1 post up at all times. So with each new post, the old is deleted. So this probably won't be up for long. But I'll go ahead a drop the link below.
Route 66? Where Kappy was found dead after Tom Hanks posted a tweet containing the phrase Route 66?
"10-10" = "standing by"?
Isn’t it that he only follows two? 24.8K followers.
It’s an account that fades in and out of prominence. Usually because what they post ends up having a direct or indirect relation to media stories and or significant events before they actually enter the news cycle or actually occur.
Mr Pool now has five pictures showing since yesterday on his account
That is very odd for Mr. Pool to leave those up from what I have seen, it's only 1 at a time. Very interesting.
I would put the link, but this account makes only keeps 1 post up at all times. So with each new post, the old is deleted. So this probably won't be up for long. But I'll go ahead a drop the link below.