GERMAN STANDSTILL – Major Farmers’ Protest and Railway Strike Freeze Europe’s Powerhouse – Rightwing AfD Surging on Polls, on the Verge of Gaining Power
Kein großer Reset
Kein großer Reset ~= No Great Reset
Hmm I wonder why German government is scrambling to try and 'ban' AFD.
No doubt saying it's promoting hate speech, racism, global warming, Putin, anti-vax, did I miss anything?
meeting with far-right activists who promote remigration - this has happened in November 2023, but has been played just this week by a fact checker organisation financed by George Soros and our own government.
In November Scholz as well announced big remigration and stop of illegal migration under strong pressure from all sides. But he did nothing since then.
Now they blame the AfD regarding above meeting with "mass deportations" of migrants and Germans with migrant background. Which is not true, but they all jump on that waggon and say that it is 1930s again. Uniparty working hand in hand to ban AfD. Which will not succeed, but it distracts from the massiv farmers protests.
And even THATS too far right with how far left they’ve become
Being proper right-wing in Germany is literally illegal. Having legitimate right-wing opinions in that country will get you put in jail for life. This is the best they can do. Pathetic. In my youth, I never thought I'd think of Germany as a pathetic country worthy of contempt and derision, but here we are: the country who's the crown of Babylon's Whore— the crab pulling all of Europe down with it. I hope your fear of being called a Nazi was worth obliging.
Get mad, White Man. The only person who will save you is yourself.
Yes. She is very intelligent (Summa cum laude), sharp and funny as well.
Gaining power at standstill...
As for the Amercians that don't know, Germany is still under US Occupation Law. The current government is not scting in the interests of the German people. They hat the AFD party, because it is not infiltrated enough by the Davos people, so to say not ready to govern, sarcasm off.
Gott mit uns!
The german political establishment will do anything to prevent AFD gaining power. They would say the Nazis are back in control if they did.
I have a funny feeling that this movement is going to bring Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg back into power.