When you post a link, PLEASE remove the "?" and the trackers that follow it.
Random example; I picked this link from Fakebook. You can see that it's from Fakebook because it includes "fbclid".
As well as showing that it's from a Fakebook user, it probably also includes other information about me. (Well, it would if I hadn't changed some characters!)
The link works perfectly well without the trackers:
A while ago, someone here posted a link to Reddit. The trackers in the link allowed me to log in to their Reddit account and to post as them! (Naughty me.) So PLEASE don't do it!
Disclaimer: I have no connection with quordlepuzzles. It's just a random link that I picked.
EDIT: Youtube links do need the part with the ? in them. More specifically the watch?v=random characters part. Also might include a jump to a start time as in &time=456s
Thanks to u/metalheadtruth for reminding me!
Losing tracking ID automatically isn't going to happen. Marketing is so much easier & better with the ability to specifically target your audience.
It is awesome for creators to find the specific individuals who would want exactly the product your very unique item is made for.
I just don't see it going away for the average user. Though it could still be done as brave does it & allow for full control of your information & credit/payment for allowing your info to be used.