Thanks youtube for helping me with my active don't recommend option on lame stream media. I heavily go after shit youtube recommendations.
“There comes a time, thief, when the jewels cease to sparkle, when the gold loses its luster, when the throne room becomes a prison, and all that is left is a father’s love for his child.” - King Osric
Should be done just to spite that damn drunk Nancy Piglosi. She tabled it just because Trump wanted it.
all you really need honestly.
Summit Racing
Rock Auto
Get rid of the ADA and AMA and Doctors would be forced to use their damn brains again.
Intelligence community
I only use Brave. Working fine for me.
What I can't fathom is why this site relies on cloudflare. a seriously woke company. Plus if I am not mistaken a Soros controlled one at that. was down and so was scorecard.
Good to see Barbara O'Neill listed on the health list.
Not specifically MAGA but Pro America
Nessun Dorma
man his repeated pauses irritates the absolute crap out of me. He tried so hard to sound like a stateman.
Just got back from early voting here in Texas. Lines were very long in my tiny county. A good guess would be in the last two days yesterday and today we should have at least 4k early votes. Lines were about 90 minutes at times. Did get a really good laugh there was a Harris/Walz tent that had just the required guy there the entire time I was there.
He is up for the job! Scouts
Just release the Tesla files. One tower can cover a major city with almost limitless energy.
Hour 53 for me with out power . Had work crew here yesterday but not seen them today. Out of gas and not sure any places around me have some. Hopefully I can get out and find some later today.
if you can call that shit ketchup with all that high fructose corn syrup in it.
It most definitely is not normal. Massive rain cloud systems just pop up. Last week I had 17" of rain and according to the weather services the chances never were above 40% of a chance. My averages of rain for the year is just shy of 50" and we are already over half of that and the hurricane season is not even here. I used to love the rain and now I am paranoid.
I also doesn't help most of south east Texas is below sea level so always a chance of massive flooding.
South Texas has had the absolute crap kicked out of us over the last 4 days. I've personally had almost 17" in four days. Got a very small amount of water in the house too. Luckily I was able to get it out quickly.
Hope you included some Jerry moments from the Hawaii 5-0. He flat out talks about mk ultra, Jimmy hoffa JFk a good bit.
They should try the assholes that done the jabs with murder.
Radar love was originally done by the band Golden Earring
Please do reps as well. Patch needs the boot as well.