On steroids. Riots will be filled with illegals. The Ds will activate all their MKUltra sleepers. And the WEF has promised cyber attacks that will make Covid lockdowns seem easy. Summer 2020 was a dress rehearsal.
I present to you the phrase “the black awakening” and would suggest getting to know who and what professes this so called black awakening.
This is a man named Russ Dizdar, he has been in the trenches and fighting the war on the front lines for over 40 years dealing with SRA, multiple personality Mkultra victims and the groups and handlers behind them.
I greatly advise you and everyone else to listen and seek out Rus and his teachings to understand the deeper revelation behind mkultra/sra and these Manchurian Candidate gunmen
So riots, blackouts, mass shootings
So basically BLM all over again
On steroids. Riots will be filled with illegals. The Ds will activate all their MKUltra sleepers. And the WEF has promised cyber attacks that will make Covid lockdowns seem easy. Summer 2020 was a dress rehearsal.
Tend to agree with Huckleberry on this,
I hate that you're right. They will pull out every stop in trying to stop the upcoming election.
Mass shootings will then definitely be on the menu, but the fire won't be pointed in the direction they think it will be.
On steroids might be an understatement.
I present to you the phrase “the black awakening” and would suggest getting to know who and what professes this so called black awakening.
This is a man named Russ Dizdar, he has been in the trenches and fighting the war on the front lines for over 40 years dealing with SRA, multiple personality Mkultra victims and the groups and handlers behind them.
I greatly advise you and everyone else to listen and seek out Rus and his teachings to understand the deeper revelation behind mkultra/sra and these Manchurian Candidate gunmen
Yeah that was pretty creepy. An army of sleeper demoniac MKUltra murderers activated all over the world is pretty scary.