Kwajalein Atoll is home to an underground nuclear waste storage facility, and its a sea level one. There seems to be elements stored there that have a very long half life, and are very poisonous indeed. If this leaks it will be unbelievably horrific, not only for the Pacific but for all of us.
Many years ago I worked for a private engineering contractor that did work for both DOD and DOE, and several of our employees were temporarily assigned to Kwajalein. They could never talk about what they did there, but from their expressions, I took it that it was pretty interesting.
No, you are wrong. It is not a nuclear waste storage facility per se and it is not on Kwajalein Island or in the Kwajalein Atoll.
The island is Runit and it is in the Enewetak Atoll.
"In 1976 ...... the 84th Engineer Battalion (Combat) (Heavy) [Schofield Barracks, Hawaii].......diversified the battalion’s mission to construction, combat engineering, and infantry operations. In 1977, the battalion deployed to Enewetak Atoll to initiate the massive cleanup of radioactive contaminated soil and debris left from the nuclear testing in the post-WWII period. This project culminated in 1980 with the capping of Cactus Crater on Runit Island with a concrete dome.
Kwajalein Atoll is home to the Ronald Reagan Ballistic Missile Test Site. There is no nuclear waste there, only massive radar antenna. I lived and worked there for several years. This entire post by OAIRIS on Twitter is bullshit.
I have had a look on Google Earth, the concrete dome is on Enewetak, you are right. This atoll had 67 nukes explode on it, so the detritus under the dome must be very radioactive indeed.
Kwajalein Atoll is home to an underground nuclear waste storage facility, and its a sea level one. There seems to be elements stored there that have a very long half life, and are very poisonous indeed. If this leaks it will be unbelievably horrific, not only for the Pacific but for all of us.
A picture of it.
I do think this might be the deflection scare event that isn't, I hope it isn't.
A sea level underground waste storage facility? Thats a great idea, What could go wrong lol
Watch the water.
They have also been dumping the waste straight to the bottom of the ocean for years.
Oh no, Gojira!!
Have there been any Godzilla sighting?
Many years ago I worked for a private engineering contractor that did work for both DOD and DOE, and several of our employees were temporarily assigned to Kwajalein. They could never talk about what they did there, but from their expressions, I took it that it was pretty interesting.
No, you are wrong. It is not a nuclear waste storage facility per se and it is not on Kwajalein Island or in the Kwajalein Atoll.
The island is Runit and it is in the Enewetak Atoll. .
"In 1976 ...... the 84th Engineer Battalion (Combat) (Heavy) [Schofield Barracks, Hawaii].......diversified the battalion’s mission to construction, combat engineering, and infantry operations. In 1977, the battalion deployed to Enewetak Atoll to initiate the massive cleanup of radioactive contaminated soil and debris left from the nuclear testing in the post-WWII period. This project culminated in 1980 with the capping of Cactus Crater on Runit Island with a concrete dome.
Kwajalein Atoll is home to the Ronald Reagan Ballistic Missile Test Site. There is no nuclear waste there, only massive radar antenna. I lived and worked there for several years. This entire post by OAIRIS on Twitter is bullshit.
I have had a look on Google Earth, the concrete dome is on Enewetak, you are right. This atoll had 67 nukes explode on it, so the detritus under the dome must be very radioactive indeed.