177 Taiwan Defies China, Elects Self Governing President, William Lei, In Historic Election (gellerreport.com) 😬 TAIWAN POKING TIGER 🇨🇳 posted 1 year ago by PowderRoomPolitics 1 year ago by PowderRoomPolitics +178 / -1 Taiwan Defies China, Elects Pro-Self-Governing President William Lai in Historic Election - Geller Report And Biden, of course, on the wrong side of history. Again 24 comments share 24 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Title is totally wrong:
Republic of China = Taiwan or Formosa. This country is an independent country for more than 70 odd years.
The Republic of China existed before the Peoples Republiic of China (CCP)
Both lay claim to the sovereignty of the mainland called China. Both lay claim to sovereignty over the Islands connected to the main Island of Formosa
Does CCP exert control and sovereignty over ROC ? The answer is no.
Does the ROC exert control and sovereignty over the CCP? no. However, ROC invested a lot of money in CCP.