Borax: the hidden history
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I also take the “laundry detergent”. I add Celtic salt and a pinch of baking soda. I actually like what it does to the taste of my water and can tell when I haven’t been drinking it. For the record, i also use the “horse paste”. FU Big Pharma!!!
Also, this guy has great videos about gardening, lost history and lost medicine. I’ve been following him almost a year and I can’t believe he hasn’t been cancelled out banned on yt. He must divert the algorithm.
What guy? Are you talking about earth clinic?
Matt from CultivateElevate.
It’s crazy that beautiful 20 mule team borax actually taste sweet to me. I didn’t expect that
I know! It has a sort of pleasant refreshing taste to me. My brain said it would be “soapy” because of the false hype on the “dangers” of borax as if it’s a detergent. I now know that is ridiculous but the garbage we are sold can play tricks on the mind even if you’re awake to the propaganda.