My Burgundy neighbour Brigitta, an 80yo German Lady was attending a service at Church when her husband, Klaus, hung himself.
She immediately came to me as shaken as one can imagine in such a situation and I had to handle all the communication with the police and emergency services as she doesn’t speak French.
Now she has her friend, former German teacher with her and the emergency people are leaving.
Klaus was a really healthy 85yo until he got hit by a car whilst riding his bicycle to town, 5 miles away. I last spoke with him yesterday and he was looking really diminished. Brigitta told me he had given up.
Please pray for Brigitta to find the peace she always desserved, being the wonderful lady she is. May she be blessed again with plenty of occasions to smile and enjoy the little things which make life so worth living.
I also pray God forgives Klaus’ selfish gesture and the harm it causes our tiny rural community. May he rest in peace forever.
But if somebody has Jesus Christ, as their Lord and Savior, they can’t have a demon inside of them. Light and darkness can’t dwell together. So I’m not sure how that explain somebody who is a Christian.
Although I do agree that somebody can have a demon of suicide, who is not saved - but once saved, you cannot be demon possessed. Because the spirit of the living God lives inside of you. I’m so grateful for that.
I’m not talking about possession, since that would be mind control but something still bad and controlling. I have dealt with this personally and even had the privilege of God’s voice manifesting. God’s voice and a demon manifested at the same time and God claimed me as a child. Then he commanded the demon to leave and it left. I was freed at that moment from a bunch of sin. I also didn’t believe in demon possession at the time either
Thank you for sharing your experience. I’m glad the Lord has set you free.
Now if we are talking about those strange suicides we see, I’m willing to bet many of them have to do with possession and the victims die due to their own hand but they didn’t intend to. Strange phrases or things they did right before death also lead me to think this.