My Burgundy neighbour Brigitta, an 80yo German Lady was attending a service at Church when her husband, Klaus, hung himself.
She immediately came to me as shaken as one can imagine in such a situation and I had to handle all the communication with the police and emergency services as she doesn’t speak French.
Now she has her friend, former German teacher with her and the emergency people are leaving.
Klaus was a really healthy 85yo until he got hit by a car whilst riding his bicycle to town, 5 miles away. I last spoke with him yesterday and he was looking really diminished. Brigitta told me he had given up.
Please pray for Brigitta to find the peace she always desserved, being the wonderful lady she is. May she be blessed again with plenty of occasions to smile and enjoy the little things which make life so worth living.
I also pray God forgives Klaus’ selfish gesture and the harm it causes our tiny rural community. May he rest in peace forever.
Sorry, but that’s your own interpretation of scripture,
It doesn’t say anywhere in scripture that committing suicide is will send you to hell. Nowhere. Can’t find it.
I’m not saying that if you commit suicide, you’re not a sinner. However; Christ’s blood should be enough. Is what Christ did on the cross enough for a sinner, to make it into heaven.
So, which one is it? Either you believe Christ sacrifice on the cross is enough for sand or you don’t.
According to your mindset… If lying is a sin, then all liars would go to hell. If committing adultery is this soon, then a lot of people would be going to hell for that too. Stealing is a sin… Does anyone who steals go to hell too! Murder is a soon, but does everybody who murdered somebody go to hell too?
Just being born were sinners. We are born into sin. It’s by accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, that we are absorbed of that sin. I’m not saying that as Christians we should trap of the blood of Christ.
However, for me to suggest that any work that I would commit, in the name of the Lord, would add to anything that Christ it on the cross, I think it is prideful and arrogance.
Also, I don’t know if you read any of the other comments in this thread. But mental illness is real. There are many people who have brain chemical imbalances who find it difficult to want to be alive every single day. It’s a real thing. You can read your Bible every day, go to church, every Sunday, be part of a Bible study group, and still be lacking in Hope. I’m glad that you’ve never had to feel this way.
Also - if you’re claiming that every single Christian and believer in God has had hope their entire lives, then why is there an entire book of psalms. Many written by King David, who was quite depressed and dejected? For many moments in his life. Don’t get me started on the book of Job.
I think there are other further scriptures that represent people who have dealt with many sad and hopeless times in their lives. Also… If we never had any hopelessness, what would we need God for? We would just assume that we could handle everything on our own.
Kind of like thinking, if we work hard enough, and we do enough good deeds, we will be able to make it into heaven all on our own? 🤣😂
Great scriptures in very true. But my question is if somebody kills himself do they go to hell. That’s all… But nobody can answer that because it’s not in the Bible.
Also, these people that were discussing her direct contact with God. God literally spoke to these people. We don’t have that convenience these days. Also, these are just for people who are mentioned that made it. And I’m happy for them. I’m just saying… Not everybody was sick as successful of being a Christian or in serving God as these four people.
We are fallible! I just don’t see God, sending somebody to hell who is fallible. My question is either Christ’s blood is enough for it isn’t. Nobody seems to want to answer that question.
Don't kill yourself fren, God loves you.