posted ago by Narg ago by Narg +94 / -0


This is yet another hard-hitting piece from Kirsch, using the government's own data, showing that the COVID shots are killing people while showing no benefit. Further, COVID itself hasn't been killing people in significant numbers since early 2022, so there is NO rationale for the shots even if they worked. Charts, graphs, analysis. In a sane world, this article alone would be enough to stop the COVID jab money-grab in its tracks.

Speaking of useless and deadly injections, the FLU VACCINES are also ineffective and deadly, although far less dangerous than the COVID jabs:

The flu vaccines have a “Day 0” mortality rate that exceeds the “1 excess death per M doses” criteria for a safe vaccine. The flu vaccines are clearly unsafe and should be immediately pulled from the market. Flu vaccines also have no hospitalization benefit whatsoever as was pointed out in a JAMA paper published in April 2023. The flu shots simply kill people for no benefit. The data is in plain sight for all to see.