What if, now hear me out, they make up these diseases that are harmless so that we get used to the idea of them not being dangerous. Then they release a real one to take out all the vaccine skeptics? All the pro vaccine people take it and it works. Just kidding, as soon as we saw evidence that it was killing people we would have taken the vaccine after seeing it was protecting people. It's called common sense. We don't need the media to tell us what to do, we can observe things and use our own minds to make decisions.
What if, now hear me out, they make up these diseases that are harmless so that we get used to the idea of them not being dangerous. Then they release a real one to take out all the vaccine skeptics? All the pro vaccine people take it and it works. Just kidding, as soon as we saw evidence that it was killing people we would have taken the vaccine after seeing it was protecting people. It's called common sense. We don't need the media to tell us what to do, we can observe things and use our own minds to make decisions.
Lol... or
How 'bout this:
There are no diseases, never were ANY... ALL of the illnesses, TB, polio, cancer, immune issues all of them are ALL caused by vaccines.
Every. Single. One.