The path to communism----Remove God and any knowledge of Him from public schools-----No prayer unless you are Muslim-----destroy the family by making the American dream impossible on a one income family thereby moving the Mother out into the workforce putting the children in the care of people that they don't know. Family becomes corrupted creating a welfare state for single parent homes. Make sex available to teens under the guise of giving sex education in the schools, handing out condoms and teaching safe sex giving rise to births outside of marriage.
While teaching sex Ed they then teach “reproductive rights” aka abortions. Sex Ed never talks about raising a child. It’s “do the act” then here’s the abortion clinic.
The path to communism----Remove God and any knowledge of Him from public schools-----No prayer unless you are Muslim-----destroy the family by making the American dream impossible on a one income family thereby moving the Mother out into the workforce putting the children in the care of people that they don't know. Family becomes corrupted creating a welfare state for single parent homes. Make sex available to teens under the guise of giving sex education in the schools, handing out condoms and teaching safe sex giving rise to births outside of marriage.
While teaching sex Ed they then teach “reproductive rights” aka abortions. Sex Ed never talks about raising a child. It’s “do the act” then here’s the abortion clinic.