Judge quits because of the horrific, continued testimonials of the little girls and teenagers, raped, debased, violated, tortured, humiliated by these vile gangs. Huge problem in the UK. Judiciary quitting en masse due to horrific nature of caseload, gangs. PRAY.
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮
Shouting means nothing. He's a barrister, not a lawmaker. He rules by sharia, not his own personal morality.
This is untrue.
Being fired for doing the right thing gives you less influence than giving up and whining? Wow congrats thats the stupidest thing ive heard all week.
Why do you write a lie? My words are also written for anyone to read.
You said it right here
Those are your words, not mine. Show me any one of my replies that say less than or more than. Here is what is true:
If you have influence and then get fired, jailed, or other negative for doing what your belief system says is right and a large number of people agree with you, you may retain your influence.
If you have no influence and then get fired, jailed, or other negative for doing what your belief system says is right and a large number of people agree with you, you will gain no influence.