Yeah. It is interesting. If he took money from Schwab and his business magically increases without any output. It is very interesting.
We know them by their fruit.
He is definitely acting like his name, masculine. He says what an ear tickler would say to his victim for sure.
Next couple years will see more of what he is.
There is two ways to defeat an enemy (assuming we are the enemy to him), one is to mock and the other is to slither us into submission.
One major reason things traditionally never get accomplished is we on the right often fall for the same deception as V is dishing out. Then we complain when we realize it was all a lie.
Except a DS plant would never endorse Trump. V is a white hat or working for them
Yeah. It is interesting. If he took money from Schwab and his business magically increases without any output. It is very interesting.
We know them by their fruit.
He is definitely acting like his name, masculine. He says what an ear tickler would say to his victim for sure.
Next couple years will see more of what he is.
There is two ways to defeat an enemy (assuming we are the enemy to him), one is to mock and the other is to slither us into submission.
One major reason things traditionally never get accomplished is we on the right often fall for the same deception as V is dishing out. Then we complain when we realize it was all a lie.