The Hitler narrative might be a good thing. Potentially it could open people to accept Patton's realization that we fought the wrong war, and the generational consequences that we have been living under for some time now.
Note the date of the narrative: preprogrammed knee-jerk responses incoming.
And to be fair to Trump, much of what he is saying in his speeches, can also be heard in Hitler' s speeches.
The only big difference at is immediately visible is: Trump supports Israel. Hitler did no such thing.
So, it comes down to policy on the international scale and domestic scale. Then, after eliminating the inculcated emotional response, it becomes clear, common sense is found in a lot of places, including in National Socialists. ... Boy, what a discovery!
The Hitler narrative might be a good thing. Potentially it could open people to accept Patton's realization that we fought the wrong war, and the generational consequences that we have been living under for some time now.
Watch Europa: The Last Battle and you’ll realise Trump is Hitler and he’s saving the world from satanic Jews.
Change that question (interrogative sentence) to a statement (declarative sentence), and you have your answer.
They have already setup that narrative in 2015.
Note the date of the narrative: preprogrammed knee-jerk responses incoming.
And to be fair to Trump, much of what he is saying in his speeches, can also be heard in Hitler' s speeches.
The only big difference at is immediately visible is: Trump supports Israel. Hitler did no such thing.
So, it comes down to policy on the international scale and domestic scale. Then, after eliminating the inculcated emotional response, it becomes clear, common sense is found in a lot of places, including in National Socialists. ... Boy, what a discovery!
"He was barely defeated in November by only a few patriotic Americans, look how close we came to losing democracy"