So a novel virus emerges out of Wuhan, China.
All of the initial infections are in employees of the virology lab in Wuhan, China.
The first doctor in China to figure out and share among other doctors something new is going around cough dies cough.
The American NIAID Director, Fauci, has been funding controversial coronavirus research at the same Wuhan virology lab, and speaks of it in semantics and misleads to US Congress.
Fauci publicly denounces a lab leak as a conspiracy theory, and privately has scientists sign letters agreeing to not pursue a lab leak as credible, and dissenters are threatened, silenced and fired, and sponsors a ‘research paper’ whose authors agreed in advance to only mention a lab leak as the least likely origin.
Fauci remains Director of the NIAID and advisor to the President for the entire pandemic, as if there isn’t a conflict of interest so obvious and suspicious a young child could point it out. How did this happen??
many excellent comments at r conspiracy:
The "virus" doesn't even need to exist. They just need the people to be afraid. It's the vax that is the literal kill shot.
This. I am not the biggest Chomsky fan but anytime that I read things on Reddit or see things on YouTube, I think of this quote.
“The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum....” ― Noam Chomsky,
The one thing that doesn’t get much discussion in that thread is that there is no new virus. The globohomos have canceled it through bannings, or shills and browbeating. It is what I have thought from day one of the plandemic, and I have seen nothing to change my mind.
That Chomsky quote also explains how the laws of the EU are made.
The European Commission (EC- 27 unelected people) choose what direction the bloc is going to go almost to the fine details and then let the parliament decide, argue or debate on the insignificant matters within their proposed framework.
Thanks. It also explains the immigration situation before Trump. You could not find a politician to vote for that campaigned to fight illegal immigration. That discussion was off the table.