What's the deal with them calling it X when X is their current worst enemy? Is it because they want X to be our new worst enemy? Is it supposed to be psychologically effecting how people groupthink about letters of the alphabet? wtf!?? XD
Oh she is so mad, seething inside... Imagine the hate and exposure these people get being on a platform like that, even momentarily.. It's absolutely glorious.
What do so many of these hate-filled, anti-American, anti-white male proponents have in common? Hmmm. Let's see what we can find. Per Wikipedia:
The fact that she will only hear her own echo chamber and refuses other's opinions and facts that go against her ideology tells us everything.
...she/him/it is the enbodyment of a [ DS ] propagandist indoctranated at the best [ DS ] institutions
Literally nowhere to hide for these people, IRL or online. Information and truth are winning the fight.
That thing is a mummy that was dug up from some ancient crypt.
Oh so true, cursed evil deadface elitist lady definitely squirms thinking about the amount of truth and light that's shining on their dastardly deeds.
Didn't 'Indy' yell, Don't open it,.... too late.
But let me guess, she loves the name DISEASE X? right?
Possibly one and the same? Comms?
What's the deal with them calling it X when X is their current worst enemy? Is it because they want X to be our new worst enemy? Is it supposed to be psychologically effecting how people groupthink about letters of the alphabet? wtf!?? XD
Her face and body language is one example where you can accurately judge a book by its cover!
Oh she is so mad, seething inside... Imagine the hate and exposure these people get being on a platform like that, even momentarily.. It's absolutely glorious.