The amount of damage Covid has done to these "Institutions" can't be overstated. CDC, NIH, FDA, "Experts", AMA, Hospitals, Insurance Companies - their credibility will never recover. Anything these people or organizations say is now scrutinized to such a large degree. Truly, if you operate under the assumption to believe the EXACT opposite of whatever these institutions say an then go on from there, you'll be in a much stronger position of truth than not. And they have no one to blame but themselves.
I'm pretty sure that's part of the awakening. To what you listed we can add, just off the top of my head, government, education, corporations, scientists, scientific journals, and media.
And that will lead to new opportunities and new avenues. It is tough to leave behind the world we knew but also exciting to embrace a world that is far more closer to the truth and the light.
Indeed. Covid came at a heavy, heavy price for people who thought they can do "play pretend" with major consequences.
The latest here is talking about "a letter we drafted but forgot to send" as if that is going to go toward providing some sort of shield.
The amount of damage Covid has done to these "Institutions" can't be overstated. CDC, NIH, FDA, "Experts", AMA, Hospitals, Insurance Companies - their credibility will never recover. Anything these people or organizations say is now scrutinized to such a large degree. Truly, if you operate under the assumption to believe the EXACT opposite of whatever these institutions say an then go on from there, you'll be in a much stronger position of truth than not. And they have no one to blame but themselves.
I'm pretty sure that's part of the awakening. To what you listed we can add, just off the top of my head, government, education, corporations, scientists, scientific journals, and media.
And that will lead to new opportunities and new avenues. It is tough to leave behind the world we knew but also exciting to embrace a world that is far more closer to the truth and the light.
Indeed. Covid came at a heavy, heavy price for people who thought they can do "play pretend" with major consequences. The latest here is talking about "a letter we drafted but forgot to send" as if that is going to go toward providing some sort of shield.