I came here to post this. Sean is the man. He is one of us and he is completely fearless when it comes to telling it like it is. Link to the whole press conference below. The whole thing is worth watching, but the climax is from 15:50-20:00. He absolutely wrecks this reporter and the whole marxist movement in one swift rant. Anyone familiar with Strickland knows this is just what he does. https://youtu.be/XKh0WX_IuPU?feature=shared
He is one of us, but I wish I had the balls he has. If we were all truly like him, lefties wouldn't feel so entitled and protected. They subdued most of the people that think like us. I don't know if Sean can be subdued without some kind of high grade rhino tranquilizer.
I hear you. He is a huge inspiration when it comes to fearleassly telling it like it is.
The interesting thing with Sean is that he underwent a complete transformation after his motorcyle accident a couple years back. He used to be a much more "agreeable" person as Jordan Peterson would say. This is why I can relate so much with him. I used to be the same way. Tell people what I know they want to hear, bite my tongue when I have an opinion that my upset someone, etc.
That has been fading away for some years now. I have less fucks to give and it's quite liberating.
I came here to post this. Sean is the man. He is one of us and he is completely fearless when it comes to telling it like it is. Link to the whole press conference below. The whole thing is worth watching, but the climax is from 15:50-20:00. He absolutely wrecks this reporter and the whole marxist movement in one swift rant. Anyone familiar with Strickland knows this is just what he does. https://youtu.be/XKh0WX_IuPU?feature=shared
He is one of us, but I wish I had the balls he has. If we were all truly like him, lefties wouldn't feel so entitled and protected. They subdued most of the people that think like us. I don't know if Sean can be subdued without some kind of high grade rhino tranquilizer.
I hear you. He is a huge inspiration when it comes to fearleassly telling it like it is. The interesting thing with Sean is that he underwent a complete transformation after his motorcyle accident a couple years back. He used to be a much more "agreeable" person as Jordan Peterson would say. This is why I can relate so much with him. I used to be the same way. Tell people what I know they want to hear, bite my tongue when I have an opinion that my upset someone, etc. That has been fading away for some years now. I have less fucks to give and it's quite liberating.