He is one of us, but I wish I had the balls he has. If we were all truly like him, lefties wouldn't feel so entitled and protected. They subdued most of the people that think like us. I don't know if Sean can be subdued without some kind of high grade rhino tranquilizer.
I hear you. He is a huge inspiration when it comes to fearleassly telling it like it is.
The interesting thing with Sean is that he underwent a complete transformation after his motorcyle accident a couple years back. He used to be a much more "agreeable" person as Jordan Peterson would say. This is why I can relate so much with him. I used to be the same way. Tell people what I know they want to hear, bite my tongue when I have an opinion that my upset someone, etc.
That has been fading away for some years now. I have less fucks to give and it's quite liberating.
He is one of us, but I wish I had the balls he has. If we were all truly like him, lefties wouldn't feel so entitled and protected. They subdued most of the people that think like us. I don't know if Sean can be subdued without some kind of high grade rhino tranquilizer.
I hear you. He is a huge inspiration when it comes to fearleassly telling it like it is. The interesting thing with Sean is that he underwent a complete transformation after his motorcyle accident a couple years back. He used to be a much more "agreeable" person as Jordan Peterson would say. This is why I can relate so much with him. I used to be the same way. Tell people what I know they want to hear, bite my tongue when I have an opinion that my upset someone, etc. That has been fading away for some years now. I have less fucks to give and it's quite liberating.