I have been asking myself that since 2020. Yes people had to be woken up. But is that it? Was all this damage worth it? I don’t know if the juice is worth the squeeze on that.
And then I thought about what Trump needs to do on day 1. And how does he do it. What happened to him last time he tried to do anything the normal way? The DOJ and Intel agencies sabotaged him, and the communist federal judges blocked him at every single step.
How do you cut through all the bullshit and get the military to the border? How do you deport millions of people? We know the second he tries, the federal judges are immediately going to stop him. The meme Hawaii judge. How do you cut out the deep state completely, and legally?
Why didn’t they stop covid? Surely they knew what was going on there. All those bozos were using email. They had to have known we were being attacked with a weapon of mass destruction in order to streamline a stolen election.
The only way to accomplish what needed to be done was to activate the most extreme measures possible. As if America has been hit with a nuclear weapon and the entire government has been demolished. It essentially was. We were hit with a WMD that allowed a foreign power to conquer the traditional chain of command.
By allowing that to happen, it opens up the chess board completely. And more important, legally. Trump will be completely free of the typical restrictions present under the corrupt system. It doesn’t matter if some judge tries to block military intervention at the border. They no longer have any power. It’s an illusion. All of what we are seeing is an illusion. A necessary one to keep the economy and global order stable, and to deceive our enemies.
It’s the only way to accomplish what needs to be done. We had to go through the worst thing a country can go through, in order to free ourselves from the current system. It had to be done right. It had to be done LEGALLY. And the only way to shitcan the entire deep state at one time was to allow our enemies to hit us with a WMD and takeover the existing federal government.
It’s the only thing that makes sense. Without it, 2024 would be an exact repeat of 2016. He would be instantly ham stringed by the entire corrupt federal system.
Chess not checkers.
This actually has been my "elephant in the room" all along. Let's say we get our Christmas and Trump/White Hats/Military do succeed completely and The Plan goes as planned...what then?
We still have millions of people living among us who, for all practical purposes, are severely damaged mentally. Your average Liberal Leftist hates our way of life, they hate the God who gave us this life, they hate Humanity in general and desire to see every creature thrive and survive except Humans. Think about that...they are so damaged that they hate their very own species! They hate babies! They want to see them torn from the womb and the more pain and destruction the better because, like I said, they hate God.
It's obvious that the plot of ground between the Pacific and Atlantic we cannot share with these people. They hate our way of life, we abhor theirs! So what's the solution...and no amount of "draining the swamp" is going to walk this elephant out of the room I'm afraid!
In my opinion, we really must look at the Liberal amongst us for what they really are...they are enemies, they have committed treason against our Republic and Constitution and they need to be dealt with as any other criminal in this case. I say we treat them as illegal aliens and they are forced to accept either deportation or incarceration. I really DON'T see any other choice that is ethical or humane.
I suspect there’ll be a strong push for bringing back mental institutions to deal with them. There will be some obvious hysteria online from the freaks themselves who’ll call them reeducation camps, but without the media apparatus to amplify the hysteria, the general public will go along with it. With many agreeing with the idea. Some of them won’t go quietly, while others will kill themselves in their doomsdaying.
Make asylums great again.
All of these isms and ists.... it's all branches of the same tree: Marxism.
I don't see how the government can take action against it all without some flavor of McCarthy Era checks & door knocks... which is a frightening thing to consider.
How would anons react if the feds knocked on their door for mental health wellness checks based on (insert spying variation here)?
We can see the problem and know a historical reference as a solution, but is that the way? Shit, it would scare half the Dimms and radicalize a minority percentage of them just based on cause/effect odds!
Well what else would you propose would be the solution to these radicalized, brainwashed SJWs and sexual deviants? Without their masters, they’re like puppets with their strings cut, and some are bound to do crazy, radical things without warning.
That was the point of my reply... I don't see how you handle the zombies without some form of the examples I gave.
And we must rationalize, what if the same methodology were utilized against the other side? One can only imagine the hypothetical outcomes of such situations.
One thing is for certain, something must be done. But, perhaps you hinted at a silver lining with the phrasing "strings cut..." Perhaps many of the brainwashed will come to terms with reality and what has happened to them? This is the great awakening after all!
Where exactly are you imagining deporting millions of US citizens?
And how? Do you think they're going to meekly go along with them being kicked out of their own country?
I get that you're upset and your emotions are probably running high, but this type of rhetoric is simply wrong.
You're essentially wiping your ass with the US Constitution.
My suggestion is starting deportations with people who have the same opinion such as you ! - You state ; "US Citizens" ??? NO - illegal alien's - NOT a US citizen - "NO Civil Rights".
I didn't reply to you. I replied to u/molonlabe1965 who is, indeed, talking about deporting US Citizens.
Please do try to keep up with the conversation.
Woooopsie !!! Sorry !