The Revolutionary war was fought against Great Britian to ascertain freedom from the Monarchy. The Constitution was written in an effort to prevent fiat currencies entering into the fold.
Article I, Section 10 of the U.S. Constitution says, "No State shall make anything but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts"
Securing the currency was crucial, you couldn't have a rouge state competing for control of the financial system.
I think every effort was made to prevent outside influences corrupting our newly founded nation but evil always persists for ill-gotten gains.
It was back in 1876 with the Organic Act when the Constitution was rewritten. Then, 33 years later, the very next amendment to the Constitution (in 1909, 16th Amendment) gave Congress to right levy income taxes against the people.
See how they do that? Slow and steady. Put the pieces in place and wait till things cool down, then pounce again.
Weak, greedy, stupid Presidents and representatives allowed the theft of our country and attacks on our liberties but that is being fixed now. Like you said, "They never thought she would lose."
Lincoln was printing greenbacks to pay for war before or during all of that.
The founding fathers failed to prohibit the federal government from issuing fuddy duddy fiat as money. As a result, the civil war bankrupted the USA, which led to the end of bimetallism, which led to the “golden cross,” which led to the creation of the Fed, which led to one score and a century of war!
Money printing is the ultimate enabler. And the ((founding fathers)) somehow failed to make it impossible, even after the contemporaneous experience of Cantillon and the Livre. There was no excuse! We are left to conclude they intended the natural consequences of their omission.
The Revolutionary war was fought against Great Britian to ascertain freedom from the Monarchy. The Constitution was written in an effort to prevent fiat currencies entering into the fold.
Article I, Section 10 of the U.S. Constitution says, "No State shall make anything but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts"
Securing the currency was crucial, you couldn't have a rouge state competing for control of the financial system.
I think every effort was made to prevent outside influences corrupting our newly founded nation but evil always persists for ill-gotten gains.
It was back in 1876 with the Organic Act when the Constitution was rewritten. Then, 33 years later, the very next amendment to the Constitution (in 1909, 16th Amendment) gave Congress to right levy income taxes against the people.
See how they do that? Slow and steady. Put the pieces in place and wait till things cool down, then pounce again.
Weak, greedy, stupid Presidents and representatives allowed the theft of our country and attacks on our liberties but that is being fixed now. Like you said, "They never thought she would lose."
Lincoln was printing greenbacks to pay for war before or during all of that.
The founding fathers failed to prohibit the federal government from issuing fuddy duddy fiat as money. As a result, the civil war bankrupted the USA, which led to the end of bimetallism, which led to the “golden cross,” which led to the creation of the Fed, which led to one score and a century of war!
Money printing is the ultimate enabler. And the ((founding fathers)) somehow failed to make it impossible, even after the contemporaneous experience of Cantillon and the Livre. There was no excuse! We are left to conclude they intended the natural consequences of their omission.