Vengeance 1 point ago +1 / -0

I already disproved your claims. Nowhere in either Council of Nicea were the cannons of scripture discussed. You can't prove that so you went on a histrionic rant. You're one of those people so far into their own delusion you can't even understand basic epistemology. Do you know what epistemology even means without looking it up? You should be embarrassed for how wilfully ignorant you are.

Again, where in either council of Nicea did they discuss the canon of scripture? What's your primary source for your claim? I linked you to sources discussing your fake claim, that it's an often repeated claim by fools who didn't actually do any research aside from watching YouTube. Da Vinci Code tier brainlets. Constantine has nothing to do with the canon of scripture. The texts were not edited since we have original manuscripts verifying this.

Since you're allergic to looking at the actual facts..

Here's the first council of Nicea:


And here's the second council of Nicea:


Show me where they removed books.

What do you mean oldest complete Bible? Who defines "complete"?

The Codex Sinaiticus is the oldest Bible which includes the New Testament.

The Church determines the canon because it is infallible, 1 Timothy 3:15. The canon was decided in 384 AD, Council of Hippo. You're wilfully ignorant, proclaiming the canon was formed in the 7th century when it was formed in the 4th. Only books which were verified or had strong indications of being written by Prophets/Apostles were included.


Why wouldn't you use the Septuagint which Christ and the Apostles quotes from? The Book of Enoch isn't written by Enoch, that's why it's not included. Is it that hard for you to understand what a pseudo author is?

At the end of the day, you've been hoodwinked since your claims such as the Nicean councils determining the canon of scripture is easily disproven. You believe Enoch is written by Enoch and yet it references texts written thousands of years after Enoch existed. Lay off the drugs.

Vengeance 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm sorry friend, you don't know what you're talking about. Spiritual delusion.

You've yet to produce a single shred of evidence even though the documents pertaining to the councils are available for everyone. I read the 1st and 2nd councils of Nicea and they don't discuss the canon of scripture at all. Just a single line of text from either council where they determine the canon of Scripture will suffice, but you can't and won't produce it because it's impossible.

The council of Hippo is where Scripture is canonized. Have you ever read the councils yourself or have you solely relied on someone to interpret them for you?

The reason they don't include Enoch is because it wasn't written by the Patriarch Enoch, which would have dated it to be thousands of years old, it was written AFTER Isaiah, because it references Isaiah ergo not divinely inspired.

The Septuagint is the correct Old Testament, as that is the Old Testament referenced by Christ and the Apostles. The Dead Sea Scrolls are useful insofar as they prove the Masoretic text, which all Protestants use, to be incorrect.

The Roman Church doesn't have a monopoly on the truth of Christianity. The modern Roman Church didn't exist until 1051.

You do understand why Elohim is plural.. right? Trinity. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

But you're wise enough to debunk the Bible, right?

Romans 1:22

Good luck and take care. I'd highly recommend you to reassess the information that led you to your position and steel man, not straw man, Holy Scripture and the Church.

Vengeance 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm asking for a source on what alterations took place during the councils. As far as I can see, the first council had to do with Arianism and the second council had to do with Icons. I don't see anything at all regarding the canon of scripture in either of those councils.

Maybe you misspoke?



If you can, please go to the documents of either council and show where either of them discussed the cannon of Scripture.

Maybe you meant the Council of Hippo? Are you sure you understand why they don't include the Book of Enoch?

Vengeance 2 points ago +2 / -0

Can you show me where in the first or second council of Nicea they removed books from the Bible? Why do you consider the Coptic Bible the original Bible? When did the Roman Church begin to change the Bible?

Do you have any citations?