Not with millions of illegal immigrants. My kids school is overflowing with foreign kids. My daughter and one other child were the only whites in her class. It's so bad that the gym is housing three extra classrooms. Our community was mostly white but now it's over 50% South American. Family sizes are 5+ children. I work so hard for retirement benefits and caring for my family just so people from another country illegally walk in and take benefits that they never eared or paid into the system. They just take.
its the largest bribe in american history.right before our eyes,we will give you all the free shit that poor hard working americans have to pay, for just one little thing ,A VOTE FOR DEMOCRATS
Not with millions of illegal immigrants. My kids school is overflowing with foreign kids. My daughter and one other child were the only whites in her class. It's so bad that the gym is housing three extra classrooms. Our community was mostly white but now it's over 50% South American. Family sizes are 5+ children. I work so hard for retirement benefits and caring for my family just so people from another country illegally walk in and take benefits that they never eared or paid into the system. They just take.
End all immigration legal and illegal.
its the largest bribe in american history.right before our eyes,we will give you all the free shit that poor hard working americans have to pay, for just one little thing ,A VOTE FOR DEMOCRATS
This is happening in calirado. A news article had denver bragging that while school enrollment is down overall in the state that Denver’s is up...
Well no shit Sherlock governor poleass invited Mexico and South America up to camp over winter. The illegal alien kids get meals and heat school days.