However, while I was lapping it up I had a kernel of doubt nagging away at me. Why is the cabal letting anyone tear away at the fabric of a carefully constructed narrative (ie that the sainted "elites"are the only ones who should be in charge).
The Khazarians have always been referred to as "the name stealers" for the way they infiltrate, take-over and corrupt peoples, movements, countries etc. Russel Brand's miraculous transformation from a regime doyen who was gifted the Illuminati whore Katy Perry to a truth-speaking anti-globohomo spitfire is a good example of what I fear. I think Brand has been deployed as a sort of false prophet to infiltrate, assimilate and to infest the Awakened. I wondered if the Heritage dude is another one? Where better to get given your bona fides as a MAGA leader, than by shitting on WEF in their annual spiritual convention.
I just don't get why WEF would allow takedowns in such an obviously carefully stage managed narrative creation event.
I'm not saying we're being played, it's just something doesn't quite add up about this year's WEF and the takedowns.
I loved everything he said.
However, while I was lapping it up I had a kernel of doubt nagging away at me. Why is the cabal letting anyone tear away at the fabric of a carefully constructed narrative (ie that the sainted "elites"are the only ones who should be in charge).
The Khazarians have always been referred to as "the name stealers" for the way they infiltrate, take-over and corrupt peoples, movements, countries etc. Russel Brand's miraculous transformation from a regime doyen who was gifted the Illuminati whore Katy Perry to a truth-speaking anti-globohomo spitfire is a good example of what I fear. I think Brand has been deployed as a sort of false prophet to infiltrate, assimilate and to infest the Awakened. I wondered if the Heritage dude is another one? Where better to get given your bona fides as a MAGA leader, than by shitting on WEF in their annual spiritual convention.
I just don't get why WEF would allow takedowns in such an obviously carefully stage managed narrative creation event.
I'm not saying we're being played, it's just something doesn't quite add up about this year's WEF and the takedowns.