Anthem is nation wide - this letter seems to be just for Kentucky based on the website at the bottom of the letter, but I would not doubt they sent one to every state. Excellent proof.
I’m a handshake and can’t make a post that shows up. I tried. Based Lawyer seems to be bringing lawsuits against Hospitals that fired healthcare workers over the shot. Been looking through his posts and seems to be fighting the good fight, in California no less.would like prayers for him and those still fighting.
What a coincidence, the timing of companies, etc. having mandate deadlines at the same time. Quite a premium payout on getting the slow adopters and holdouts to fall in line, too.
I have heard pediatricians have similar incentives, it’s why many will boot you if refuse vax and prob a good part of why they schedule all the visits for newborns.
Public hangings after a Nuremberg 2.0 trial sounds appropriate.
👆🏻 This. Hang em’ High. MHGA!!!!
That's very good proof and a good red pill. I showed it to a friend of mine that got the booster and he was pissed.
Anthem is nation wide - this letter seems to be just for Kentucky based on the website at the bottom of the letter, but I would not doubt they sent one to every state. Excellent proof.
Yes they have been posted here before, different companies and states. Still good to post it as many probably missed it or are new.
What does it profit a man if he gain the whole world but loses his soul?
I’m a handshake and can’t make a post that shows up. I tried. Based Lawyer seems to be bringing lawsuits against Hospitals that fired healthcare workers over the shot. Been looking through his posts and seems to be fighting the good fight, in California no less.would like prayers for him and those still fighting.
Apparently he did an interview with Owen Shroyer also.
If they were being honest, they would call them "bounties," rather than "incentive payments."
Dr. King Schultz has entered the chat
Who funded the Anthem payments?
WE did... We, THE TAXPAYERS, funded everything covid.
Anthem ain't looking too pretty with this either.
This is what turned me away from the medical profession and start looking at the old home remedies that worked for our ancestors before big pharma.
What a coincidence, the timing of companies, etc. having mandate deadlines at the same time. Quite a premium payout on getting the slow adopters and holdouts to fall in line, too.
I have heard pediatricians have similar incentives, it’s why many will boot you if refuse vax and prob a good part of why they schedule all the visits for newborns.
I applied for a remote job once and it was required, which was shocking.
Link source from anthem’s website
"for helping patients make the choice to become vaccinated..."
They should have stopped right there.