They want to be in power so bad that they would wish ill of their opponents - is that really someone we want to lead our country. I think not. DeSantis blew it by not being willing to wait his turn. Now he has shown us who he truly is and that is no one that MAGA would support.
They want to be in power so bad that they would wish ill of their opponents - is that really someone we want to lead our country. I think not. DeSantis blew it by not being willing to wait his turn. Now he has shown us who he truly is and that is no one that MAGA would support.
If he’s that easily bought and sold by the Bushes and the rest of the cabal, then he never deserved to have a turn.
Quite frankly, I’m glad he did run and is exposed. He never deserves to hold office again.
You make a good point.
That’s a good example of what draining the swamp is. Exposing the vile creatures that otherwise would be hidden. DeSantis exposed himself.