Seeing how we're all bumbling around in the dark about this "Disease X", there must be somthing else in the works.
The MySTerY DIseAsE X. Sounds way too conjured and made up to be a legitamite deepstate plan.
I think this is smoke and mirrors, a distraction from somthing else big building. (WW3 scare event?)
Everything is a distraction
I'm only half-kidding, but I think Elon might have grounds for a defamation lawsuit against the person, people or entity that named the upcoming "mystery scourge" the same name as his company (X, formerly Twitter, was extant first, yes?); thereby causing harm to the reputation and finances of his business.
Great idea!
Na! They are just telling you what they are going to do. Then they will say look we have a solution just like they did the last time. Think about it. How can they develope a vax for a desease they don't know yet. Are they blessed with divine powers from God? I think NOT!
Of course it is. Fear porn is all the cabal has left to intimidate anyone gullible enough to believe it.
It's just fear porn.
I haven’t even given it a second thought. As far as I was concerned, until I saw your post, it didn’t even exist.