posted ago by Narg ago by Narg +92 / -0


(CAPS in the post title and italics below are my added emphasis)

No country has ever disclosed patient record-level data on any vaccine ever before in history.

The reason for this is not due to privacy concerns. I proved that after I released the NZ data publicly and not a single person could find their records.

The reason that governments don’t release the public health data is that it would reveal that they have been systematically killing their citizens with these “vaccines.”

Finally, one brave guy, Barry Young, an Oracle DBA at Health New Zealand, leaks the data to me. I obfuscated it to preserve privacy, and then made it publicly available for everyone to see.

Health New Zealand chief executive Margie Apa blows a fuse and has my Wasabi site taken down (so I instantly put up again at a bulletproof hosting firm) and has her chief people officer, Andrew Slater, write a note to me informing me of the orders they obtained in New Zealand. Slater conveniently fails to mention he has no jurisdiction over me. This is a scare tactic to silence me. When I ask Slater if I can talk to the epidemiologists, he ghosts me. Nice guy.

None of the leadership team at Health New Zealand is interested in the fact that their database shows they are killing New Zealanders with these vaccines. They will not let me speak to any of their epidemiologists and they won’t show me the time series analysis done by their epidemiologists for some reason. Why not? That’s the best way to silence me: just show me how I got it wrong.

Two New Zealand scientists at the University of Auckland, Janine Paynter and Helen Petousis-Harris, have viewed the leaked data, but refuse to publish their report. Nor will they explain how my analysis is wrong. They do not want to engage in any scientific discussion at all. I can’t even pay them to tell me how I got it wrong. I even offered them $250,000 to talk to me. No response. This is because the data leaked by Barry Young is a third-rail for them.

Barry Young is being charged with a crime. But the reality is that HNZ has given us a gift.

When Barry has his day in court, he gets to do something none of us have been able to do: force these people to answer the questions we’ve always wanted to know the answer to but they always refused to answer.

(more, including data and analysis)