Pretty Slick Don!
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It's funny because living in New England I'm used to weed stores being all over the place but on a recent trip down to family in the south it was interesting to see how many products containing legal Delta-9 THC (the genuine article) were being openly sold.
The only downsides I've seen from legalization is that most states doing it are Democrat run and only see it as an opportunity to vacuum up tax dollars and help their friends monopolize the industry.
Trump always wanted it to be up to the states.
Things like this are where I get annoyed with libertarians. I don't mind cities or counties banning alcohol or cannabis or whatever but the second you go beyond that scale things go south.
Yes all the gas stations have them.
I would research the brand first before trusting stuff from a gas station but I'm sure good brands do end up there.
I would not trust anything that isn't 100% weed.
This explains why I'm seeing signs all over town down in Texas where it is still illegal.
I don't know about TX, but in GA you can buy THCA legally. All it takes is heat to turn it into THC (illegal). So not even a different chemical once it reaches your brain.
I seriously doubt that was Trump's intention behind it but a nice byproduct
Freedom was the intention. Plus hemp has as many uses as cotton and oil together.
Don knows
If democrats had two living brain cells left to rub together, they would pass legislation removing cannabis completely from the "schedule" of controlled stubstances.
If tobacco and alcohol don't need to be on the list, and they both kill hundreds of thousands of people per year, then something that's never killed one person in...ever...shouldn't be on the stupid "list", either.
We singing the same tune. Freedom os the only course and that means some of us will have to get used to people having it. We cam handle it.