She reminds me of a vampire.
Traditional ways to kill a vampire.
Stake through the heart. (This actually goes back to keeping people in their graves. Somehow it made it to vampires.)
Immerse in sunlight.
Chop off the head ideally with an axe. (put a lemon or coin in the mouth and boil the head in vinegar.
Immerse in running water.
Shoot with a silver bullet (not just any silver bullet, it has to be a silver bullet that a crucifix was melted down to create, and not just any crucifix. it has to have been blessed by the pope - apparently vampires are Catholic) (ordinary silver bullets are good for werewolves.)
Throw vampire into a hawthorn bush. So long as said vampire is pricked enough this will supposedly kill it. (Hawthorn is supposed to be holy because the crown of thorns worn by Christ was supposedly made from Hawthorn.)
This is a short list that would work back in the 70’s. Vampires have come a long way since then and not all of these methods work on every vampire. Immersing in Sunlight, for example, does no more than make a certain type of vampire glitter. Alternately some vampires are vulnerable to wooden bullets and other still to normal weapons if you do enough damage with them.
Did you see the photo that got leaked from Hillary’s high school yearbook of her in after-school Abortion Club?
She reminds me of a vampire. Traditional ways to kill a vampire.
Stake through the heart. (This actually goes back to keeping people in their graves. Somehow it made it to vampires.) Immerse in sunlight. Chop off the head ideally with an axe. (put a lemon or coin in the mouth and boil the head in vinegar. Immerse in running water. Shoot with a silver bullet (not just any silver bullet, it has to be a silver bullet that a crucifix was melted down to create, and not just any crucifix. it has to have been blessed by the pope - apparently vampires are Catholic) (ordinary silver bullets are good for werewolves.) Throw vampire into a hawthorn bush. So long as said vampire is pricked enough this will supposedly kill it. (Hawthorn is supposed to be holy because the crown of thorns worn by Christ was supposedly made from Hawthorn.) This is a short list that would work back in the 70’s. Vampires have come a long way since then and not all of these methods work on every vampire. Immersing in Sunlight, for example, does no more than make a certain type of vampire glitter. Alternately some vampires are vulnerable to wooden bullets and other still to normal weapons if you do enough damage with them.
Let’s maybe start with a trial, first.
It could even be held in Salem.