posted ago by Joby14212 ago by Joby14212 +24 / -0

I am betting that Biden drops out of the POTUS race as it will be unbelievable to try and push the narrative that in 2024 FJB gets 84 million votes. So, I'm betting Michelle Obama becomes the 84 million dollar woman. Dispute that and you are a misogynist, racist and election denier trying to overthrow a guaranteed fair election. End of USA. Alternate senerio is WWIII causes cancelation of the elections. Does anyone think that Biden will create a new branch of our military exclusively of foreign military age men? American International Corps: to supposedly go to foreign zones as peacekeepers but instead used for domestic assassinations and people control and to eliminate our national guard.

Last thought, how was J6 a coup when Biden wasn't in power yet? Trump was potus. Most powerful man on Earth asking questions about the fairness of a very questionable election in the country he was sworn to protect and defend under the constitution as commander in chief.