I agree. This sort of reactionary, anti-art cultural philistinism is typical of the woke left. The old “lock this piece of cultural history away in a museum where we can put it in proper ‘context’” canard is such a PC reflex I can’t believe I’m hearing it repeated unironically on this board. This sculpture is actually quite based, and is a caricature of exactly the sort of globalist pedovores the Great Awakening is all about exposing. It dates back to a time when European communities were strong and recognized the real enemy. It’s actually amazing it still stands in plain view!
I agree. This sort of reactionary, anti-art cultural philistinism is typical of the woke left. The old “lock this piece of cultural history away in a museum where we can put it in proper ‘context’” canard is such a PC reflex I can’t believe I’m hearing it repeated unironically on this board. This sculpture is actually quite based, and is a caricature of exactly the sort of globalist pedovores the Great Awakening is all about exposing. It dates back to a time when European communities were strong and recognized the real enemy. It’s actually amazing it still stands in plain view!