I don’t believe, for a second, that this is what happened, at all. I’m not gonna sit here and believe that our nations best, doing boat to boat operations, over a deep sea…and one wrong step into the ocean meant death because of all the gear, and NOT have a flotation device, ropes, divers, something. And then as one slips into the water and sinks like a rock, another Seal jump into the same situation, immediately sinking as well? I don’t believe that crap at all. Noway that happened. They could’ve had a c02 vest under their gear, that you can buy at Walmart for $80. That would saved them. Laws in the states make us wear flotation devices of various kinds in any boat situation. And yet the Navy Seals have nothing!?
My guess, they both were shot in the head and tossed over a deep ocean, never to be found again. Saw something they weren’t suppose to see or something. The enemy is everywhere. But this story is garbage. And anyone believing it should question their BS meter.
US Army veteran here - served 10 years and helped train some of the most elite forces we have; seals included. This story is so fake it broke my bullshit meter. God only knows what happened to them. May these two warriors rest in peace.
I don’t believe, for a second, that this is what happened, at all. I’m not gonna sit here and believe that our nations best, doing boat to boat operations, over a deep sea…and one wrong step into the ocean meant death because of all the gear, and NOT have a flotation device, ropes, divers, something. And then as one slips into the water and sinks like a rock, another Seal jump into the same situation, immediately sinking as well? I don’t believe that crap at all. Noway that happened. They could’ve had a c02 vest under their gear, that you can buy at Walmart for $80. That would saved them. Laws in the states make us wear flotation devices of various kinds in any boat situation. And yet the Navy Seals have nothing!? My guess, they both were shot in the head and tossed over a deep ocean, never to be found again. Saw something they weren’t suppose to see or something. The enemy is everywhere. But this story is garbage. And anyone believing it should question their BS meter.
US Army veteran here - served 10 years and helped train some of the most elite forces we have; seals included. This story is so fake it broke my bullshit meter. God only knows what happened to them. May these two warriors rest in peace.