The whole world is a stage.... I reckon if one keeps that perspective then this is all Kabuki theater. I will say that this video basically incriminates Jeff DeTwitt who obviously didn't plan on being recorded etc. If that is the case then the people "Out East" aren't going to like the implication being stated in this recording.
If there's anyone out there that truly feels their representatives are doing what's right for them, and the Country, they need to hear this and wake the fuck up about how Washington really works. As a Country Americans need to say enough to all the Federal Overreach since 1871 and set the Country back on the rails. People like DeTwitt who has now earned that monicker literally affect everyone's lives by siding with these "consultants of industry" instead of the people. How else is it possible for our food supply to be considered poison by other countries but yet it's all we got? How else do we get unbridled immigration and no southern border protection? If anyone believes the evil fucks when they say the border is secure I suggest a trip down there.
This recording, if legit, should be enough to wake up the dead.... We all know it won't go anywhere..... Unless......
The whole world is a stage.... I reckon if one keeps that perspective then this is all Kabuki theater. I will say that this video basically incriminates Jeff DeTwitt who obviously didn't plan on being recorded etc. If that is the case then the people "Out East" aren't going to like the implication being stated in this recording.
If there's anyone out there that truly feels their representatives are doing what's right for them, and the Country, they need to hear this and wake the fuck up about how Washington really works. As a Country Americans need to say enough to all the Federal Overreach since 1871 and set the Country back on the rails. People like DeTwitt who has now earned that monicker literally affect everyone's lives by siding with these "consultants of industry" instead of the people. How else is it possible for our food supply to be considered poison by other countries but yet it's all we got? How else do we get unbridled immigration and no southern border protection? If anyone believes the evil fucks when they say the border is secure I suggest a trip down there.
This recording, if legit, should be enough to wake up the dead.... We all know it won't go anywhere..... Unless......
Don't Get Dead
He also openly acknowledged, “if they steal the election AGAIN...”
Yeah, his ass is grass.