Apologies if this is all late night musings that has already been discussed:
We heard warnings of “The Great Culling” years before COVID. The elite have long planned a worldwide mass casualty event.
Trump quickly deduced the virus is man made, highly communicable - maybe he thought, HERE IT IS! The elite’s culling plan.
(And maybe the virus WAS INDEED the mass culling plan and it somehow petered out, thank God)
Anyway, he knows the elite wouldn’t unleash this thing without being protected themselves. He also knows these vaccines are already developed and patented.
The original plan was likely to watch the deaths pile up so much that panic sets in and people are willing to pay any price for protection.
Trump is aware the “cure” already exists and dangles big govt cash out for the first vax companies to bite.
Panic hasn’t set in enough, so vax makers stall until they realize the body count isn’t going to happen. Then they jump on the money.
Don’t get me wrong, I think the vax being flawed was built in from the jump. I do think a non-flawed vax was distributed to the big-club-we-ain’t-in before it was set loose.
TL;DR The theory is Trump (like a lot of us pre-2020) saw most vax as a great thing with little to no downside. He believed it was developed in tandem with the virus to protect the elite. He maneuvered to get it to the masses.
Feel free to poke holes in this. That’s what the hive mind is for.
If I recall, due to the original release needing refridgeration, the military was used for logistics. If this was indeed true, perhaps Tump enabled most of the inventory to be swapped with saline solutions... thus minimizing the death rate.
This was a bioweapon. Our military, or at least a faction of it, knew exactly what it was. Our government signed UN Agenda's 21 and 30...a commitment to "sustainability". Sustainability = Depopulation. Our military appears to be committed to that plan and acting on behalf of the WEF's goal to depopulate. We are participating and instigating wars that 1) cut off major global food and fertilizer manufacturers., and 2) conscription and ruthless deaths of 100's of thousands of child producing male slavs in the Ukraine. 3) ruthless deaths of thousands of child producing males in Gaza. 4) Spraying some sort of crap (chemtrails to conspiracy theorists) over most of our major metropolitan areas without disclosing what the chemicals are or their purpose. Speculating that our military swapped saline at this point in time does not line up with their actions that seem to be harming world populations through injections, wars, and the coming famine. Only Space Force can save us at this time....if they are on humanities' side.
All your points are true. However, swapping out saline does align with why Trump might have supported the jab.
Studies of Vaers data have shown Red States got distributed worse batches with regard to side effects and death...intentional distribution. The injections were supposed to be a serious of 8...or potentially an infinite amount of boosters....until, like Russian roulette....you got a shot with some really bad stuff in it. They couldn't have everyone die at once. China threw away a billion Pfizer doses and has rejected MRNA injections...as has Russia, Japan returned millions of Moderna doses contaminated with graphene oxide. Trump's daughter was junior WEF royalty. Trump did push the injections (see Bill O'reilly interview where he bragged about getting the shots) and even tried to push them at rallies until he got heavy boo's and realized he better not go there anymore as the MAGA loyal aren't so loyal if he was going to pimp the shots.
Sometimes disinformation is necessary