I was picking up a few things yesterday and read each label...it is distressing how many products now include "Contains bio-engineered food ingredients" on the label.
Sorry about your disease. What disease you may ask? Well I found out the other day that people who read labels and have an "unhealthy fixation on healthy eating" are suffering from Orthorexia. Stop reading labels and caring about what you put in your body and then you'll be cured. Honk honk.
I was picking up a few things yesterday and read each label...it is distressing how many products now include "Contains bio-engineered food ingredients" on the label.
Sorry about your disease. What disease you may ask? Well I found out the other day that people who read labels and have an "unhealthy fixation on healthy eating" are suffering from Orthorexia. Stop reading labels and caring about what you put in your body and then you'll be cured. Honk honk.