Are you trying to be funny or seriously comparing sugar to cyanide? You know they have NOTHING to do with each other. And there is sugar in near most foods besides meat and water. So not sure where you’d like to go with your thoughts, but I’m moving on.
Well, you stated that sugar is OK because it's natural.
u/frogface pointed out that cyanide is natural (but that doesn't make it OK).
Apricot seeds contain traces of cyanide compounds but are good for you in small doses. Apples contain trace amounts of fructose. But I'd draw the line at eating a spoonful of raw sugar (or cyanide). That's just asking for trouble.
Are you trying to be funny or seriously comparing sugar to cyanide? You know they have NOTHING to do with each other. And there is sugar in near most foods besides meat and water. So not sure where you’d like to go with your thoughts, but I’m moving on.
Well, you stated that sugar is OK because it's natural. u/frogface pointed out that cyanide is natural (but that doesn't make it OK).
Apricot seeds contain traces of cyanide compounds but are good for you in small doses. Apples contain trace amounts of fructose. But I'd draw the line at eating a spoonful of raw sugar (or cyanide). That's just asking for trouble.
Swallowing a spoonful of sugar cures hiccups...