Have any of you read chapter 11 in the Law of War manual? Like really read it? The more I re-read it, the more convinced I become it was written expressly for DC.
We get a lot of the same questions from skeptics. It’s always the same. How is Trump gonna do that? That’s unconstitutional. That’s impossible. Normalcy bias. It has never happened, so therefore it cannot happen.
All of that is solved with one assumption. If DC is considered occupied territory, and Trump is inaugurated properly, 11.3 occurs.
If that is what is actually happening, it unlocks Pandora’s box. The power bestowed upon the administration and the military is limitless. The constitution doesn’t even fucking apply, because it’s not the United States of America. DC isn’t a state. It’s some contrived piece of federal bullshit.
The military can create courts of any kind, can keep courts it wants, can label ANY “civilian” who assisted the occupying power a belligerent, can prosecute anyone. The only major qualifier is essentially the Geneva Convention. Forget people’s job titles. FBI. CIA. CDC. FDA. Congress. Senate. They are all the same. If they actively assisted the occupiers, they can be prosecuted. It resets EVERYTHING. By the way; the manual also distinctly mentions biological weapons. Whoever fucked with that stuff is also up shits creek.
If you really wanted to drain the swamp, down to the last fucking drop, this reads like a user manual. No one is safe. No corrupt DC judges can help. All of them likely have enough evidence against them that they themselves will be classified as belligerents.
Trump is telling us. Are you going to be a dictator? Only on day one. Because on day 1, 11.3 occurs and the operation goes public. He has bragged he is going to federalize DC to shut down the crime rate. What if that’s not hyperbole? What if it’s preparing us for what we are gonna see?
We will find out soon enough. Either it’s true or it’s not. But if I am right, if 11.3 is Inauguration Day or the day after, no one is safe. Hussein will be trying to use his Kenyan citizenship as a means of avoiding being declared a belligerent or enemy combatant of the occupied territory.
Read the entire chapter chapter and mentally compare it in your head to DC, and the swamp. And read all the stuff on biological weapons. Fauci, FDA, they are all truly going to be fucked. The federal judges, the media, everyone is fucked. Everyone.
Won’t be long now. Either I fell for the worlds most complex troll, or we have been privy to “the most complex military operation in US history” while everyone else slept.
I agree with all that and think that's a strong theory.
It makes sense when you put together the history of events from the launch of Bitcoin to now. Are you familiar with the scaling wars and the BCH split? I was just learning about bitcoin during that era and watched the takeover by Blockstream and the simultaneous psyop on the culture to twist the narrative to support keeping 1MB blocks permanent.
I think that decision crippled what bitcoin could have become, but the counterinsurgency angle has me thinking maybe that was part of the plan.
In my opinion, the current tech known as BTC (which has been radically altered from its original design), and the accompanying corporate infrastructure that has built up around it since the split, is destined to fail because the limited block size will drive fees to unmanageable levels and eventually all UTXOs under a certain amount will become unspendable. TPTB either do not understand this, or if they do they don't care because they think it will discredit "Bitcoin" (as a brand) so they can roll out CBDCs.
The scenario in the video could happen, I think, because the Cabal owns Blockstream so theoretically they could force Bitcoin Core to fork to Proof of Stake and deprecate the old Proof of Work chain. If that happened, all that hashrate for BTC would immedately switch to BCH and BCH would quickly become the dominant chain.
BCH has been successfully scaling on chain and added support for lots of things that have been developed on other chains, things that can't be done on BTC because of the limited block space. There's also XMR which is the closest to true digital cash.
Any thoughts on this?
BitCOIN is possibly intermediary or not in its final form. But clearly useful in draining stolen labor capital from fiat banker system. We also have physical gold, silver, direct registered shares (DRS), land with allodial title, and cash-in-hand (short term) to drain the system. Key is individual/physical ownership.
I recommend using 6 “buckets” until we see decentralized blockchain convertible to silver/gold and able to buy groceries OR we get our hands on SILVER CERTIFICATES ala JFK EO which is likely coming back.