It was this couple, who presented themselves as Christians, who were defending Israeli interests for some reason.
They were huffing and puffing and just beside themselves about the current state of the world.
Among other things, they noted various public opinion polls, for example theres a sizeable portion of the young population who thinks the holocaust was a hoax.
They whined that holocaust propaganda wasnt being pushed harder in schools, and were under the assumption that the students were simply un-educated,
It apparently never crossed their minds that they themselves have been brainwashed by holocaust propaganda
“Discernment” isnt their strong suit.
What was especially strange was to them blame “Marxism” for whats going on in college campuses, while pretending Jews have always been 100% pure and innocent, and “dindu nuttin”,
Except for, well, killing millions of people with their Marxist ideology.
They were appalled to learn that a lot of young people don’t believe Israel has a “right to exist”, even though that “right” seems to have materialized out of thin air.
They played an extended clip of a Congress critter brow-beating and badgering witnesses (university presidents)
The Congresswoman kept asking these ridiculous loaded questions, and she was getting more and more upset as time went on, to the point of screetching and screaming at the witnesses.
For example, she kept asking if calling for the genocide of Israelis is a violation of university rules, and she’d go nuts when she didn’t hear the answer she wanted to hear.
Nevermind that the pro-israel side took it upon themsleves to interpret what was actually said, into something they wanted to br said.
For example, “From the river to the sea” was construed as an overt call for Israeli genocide, in spite of the fact that its merely a call for Palestinian self-determination.
Apparently the Israeli’s are under the impression that the only way the Palestinians will ever be free, is if the Palestinians were to kill all the Jews.
To me, that sounds an awful like like, “over my dead body, you’ll be free”.
They continuted to promote the atrocity propaganda put out by Israel, for example that “Hamas” (Mossad proxy) was putting babies in ovens,
and cutting unborn babies out of mothers wombs,
which is really odd for them to be offended by, since thats exactly what Jews have been promoting in America since RvW, killing 63,000,000 babies…
But what these phony Christians failed to note, was that the people they were defending, perfectly match the definition of “anti-Christ”
King James Bible
Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.
Anyway, this radio segment went on and on far longer than normal, with no commercial interruptions, and it just seemed to me that this was like an info-mercial, sponsored by Israel, to manipulate public opinion of Americans.
I was surprised not to hear them ask for a $19/mo pledge.
Actually, from the river to the sea is a call for the entire genocide of the Jews. The liberal college students generally have no idea what they are saying. The college leaders do though.
Did Jews tell you that?
I might be wrong but those Hama's cunts are not exactly the nicest of people either. Don't get sucked into choosing one side or the other that's what they want. Zionists and islamic extremists are pieces of shit that deserve each other.