Usdebtclock secret window for sunday 1/28/24
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Banks pulled 50% of all silver shorts last week.. something big is coming....
Please explain in layman's terms what this means, for the uninitiated. Thank you.
Short is a bet that the item will go down. So the banks were shorting believing silver would go down . Now the are maybe thinking it's going up. Some believe the are "fixing" silvers price
JP Morgan
I'm just curious, how do you get information like this?
All those trillions of dollars locked up in 'derivitives' may well collapse on themselves..
Has anybody heard from him. He said he would be gone a week or 2 but its been a couple months now with no sign of him. I hope all is well.
Me, too fren...🙏
Looks like a real commodities based currency.
Even Karl Marxs knew that real money could only be based on commodities.
Sort of like what BRICS is trying to do?
Looks the same to me.
...backed by silver, no ?
If we go by what the window shows,silver,gold,oil and other commodities.
The farmers may well be benifited greatly see the corn??
If these window mean anything,im thinking brics or something like it.
Putin had a state of the national type speech where her laid out the BRICS/ commodities idea.
Asset based wealth creation. In other words, backed by everything.