posted ago by Narg ago by Narg +101 / -1


Executive summary

I engaged a professional market research expert, Leonard Murphy, to do a survey about vaccine injuries and deaths in American households. He created the survey with some input from me. I personally funded it. The list he used was from a third party professional firm and not biased in any way.

The results will stun you.

1,000 American households were surveyed. The survey demographics are chosen to be representative of America.

Of the 1,000 households surveyed, 194 reported a death in their household since 2021.

Here’s the punch line:

Nearly half of the respondents thought the death was due to the COVID vaccine

(NOTE from OP: that was "nearly half the respondents THOUGHT the death was due to the COVID vaccine", so don't present it to others as if almost 50% of the deaths WERE SCIENTIFICALLY FOUND TO BE FROM COVID VACCINE. This is good data, but be aware of the limitations).

WHY did people think their "household member" died FROM the jab?

One big reason: the age distribution of the victims skewed towards YOUNGER people; about 78% were UNDER 60.

A whole lot of YOUNG people -- well below the typical age of death, that is -- are dying in America, and no other culprit than the COVID vaccine makes sense for the vast majority of those.

Kirsch adds:

It’s a shame that the mainstream media won’t run a survey like this one to replicate the results, isn’t it.