A very wise man once said to me" If you do not believe in yourself, how can you believe in God? In Christ?
The point is, that trust in Christ is the beginning point, not the end. As our relationship grows, Christ wants us to learn to trust ourselves as he trusts us too.
For me, it's not "Trust only in Christ" but rather, "Trust in Christ as the foundation of all trusts". In the world where Christ is King, we grow to trust ourselves and others, as we more reflect Christ's nature.
Trust only in christ, for in the end god wins
Amen Paulie, amen 🙏
A very wise man once said to me" If you do not believe in yourself, how can you believe in God? In Christ?
The point is, that trust in Christ is the beginning point, not the end. As our relationship grows, Christ wants us to learn to trust ourselves as he trusts us too.
For me, it's not "Trust only in Christ" but rather, "Trust in Christ as the foundation of all trusts". In the world where Christ is King, we grow to trust ourselves and others, as we more reflect Christ's nature.