It’s All FAKE. Taylor Swift EXPOSED as a FED OP To RIG 2024 Election for Biden | Pentagon ADMITS It
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I Don't believe anything or anyone can sell a soul. It's our choice who to follow, adore, worship, obey or reverence and bow down do. It;s God's power and judgement whether to accept or reject a soul all through the filter of Jesus Christ and our personal heart condition and acceptance of Jesus and His sacrifice for us. Satan is a liar. He cannot create anything but fear. We have the choice to repent and accept Jesus up to our very last breath. But Satan would have us believe otherwise - don't stop praying for your friends and family who seem hopeless. He wants them and us to think there is no hope for that sin. Jesus died for ALL sin!!
Can you please define "Soul?"
the bible mentions "your covenant with death . . ."
The bit of you thatis immortal
that would be your spirit (which is literally you). Your soul is the mind, will, & emotions (aka the interface between you and your body)
God created man in the flesh, but God was spirit and Man could see and interact with God (who is spirit) my theory is man's soul allows man to see in both the temporal waking world and into the spirit world where God operates. Sin damaged man's soul so he's barely aware of his own spirit, let alone God and the devil