Present Day Israel Is Not the Fulfillment of Biblical Prophecy!
Whereas the Bible prophesies that Jesus Christ Himself will return one day to sit upon the literal throne of David and reign over the earth triumphant from Jerusalem; the Antichrist is Satan’s gimmick (substitute) for Christ, professing himself that he is the Messiah, God (2nd Thessalonians 2:4). Since the Antichrist is a counterfeit, naturally he is going to need a counterfeit Israel. And if Satan needs a false Israel for his false Messiah, then he also needs false Jews. Jesus warned in Revelation 2:9 about false Jews of the synagogue of Satan who claim to be true Jews. For nearly everything in God’s prophetic plan, the Devil has a counterfeit to deceive the human race. We even see the trio of the False Prophet, the Beast and the Dragon—imitating God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
If you understand that the coming Antichrist is Satan’s imitation of Christ, then it should also become obvious to you that Satan has a false Israel too. Whereas Biblical Christians are looking for the return of Jesus Christ to establish His earthly kingdom; heathen Zionists are looking for their false Messiah, the Antichrist, to reign over the world. The New World Order will be the Antichrist’s counterfeit of Christ’s true coming kingdom during the 1,000 year millennium. The Antichrist will claim to be the Messiah, even proclaiming to be God from the temple in Jerusalem, but he will be an imposter. The unsaved world will eagerly follow the Antichrist when he comes, but many will refuse. At the halfway point through the Tribulation, the Beast (Antichrist) will demand worship of his image from everyone on earth or they will be executed! This event is called The Abomination Of Desolation!
So we see that there will be a false Christ (Messiah) and a false Israel. The true Israel will be regathered to the Promised Land only when Jesus returns to set up His kingdom, and not before. The attempt to restore Israel since 1948 is a Zionist movement by Marxist/Communist false Jews who are led by the international banking cabal. The Illuminati by war and bloodshed put Israel back onto the map in 1948 as a vehicle by which to control the kings of the world. How does Israel rule over the kings of the earth? It’s the international banking cabal. Their official headquarters is The Council On Foreign Relations (CFR). The CFR created the United Nations (UN)! Starting to get the picture?
The ACCURATE way to look at Israel, the Jews and the Antichrist is to see Present-Day Israel, the Antichrist and the Antichrist’s rule over the world as Satan’s counterfeit of true Israel, Jesus Christ and Christ’s Millennial Kingdom.
Is it so hard to believe that present-day Israel is a satanic decoy for true Israel? True Israel will accept her true Messiah, Jesus. Present-day Judaism which controls Israel rejects Jesus as the Messiah. They are wholeheartedly looking for the false Messiah of the Antichrist, which is why he will stand in the Jewish temple one day and claim to be God (Daniel 9:27; Matthew 24:14; 2nd Thessalonians 2:4; Revelation 13:15).
Evangelicals around here seem often to be Israel first, which is not good, especially because we are dealing with corrupt Israel. They are cheerleading for the Synagogue of Satan. I'm kind of resigning myself to the idea that we will get great victories and then I'll be killed by Evangelicals because I'm not going to accept the Antichrist and they'll fall for it hook line and sinker.
That's BS.
There's not a single Evangelical "around here" who doesn't realize the government of Israel is a problem.
There's not a single Evangelical "around here" who wouldn't like to see the government of Israel held accountable.
Hell, I'd be the first to volunteer to operate the gallows and be the one pulling the levers.
That being said, it's more accurate to say that the anti-Israel crowd are completely unhinged.
They conflate the government of Israel with every living Jew, as if every living Jew should be held accountable for the government of Israel.
All they need to set them off is to see a last name or a big nose and they lose their shit. If you're looking at no other data points aside from someone's genetics to decide whether you're for them or against them, you're an idiot.
We all know exactly what this board would become if the anti-Israel crowd weren't kept in check. Every other post and every other comment would be idiots posting about muh Torrah and rabbis giving babies herpes by chewing off their foreskins.
And it's probably not a coincidence that the anti-Jew crowd have the same talking points and allegiances as pro-Gaza terrorists and Nazis.
Everyone who frequents GAW knows this is the truth.
How did Abraham from the Ur of the Chaldeans, a pagan city, ever become a Jew? He was chosen by God to be one I guess. Which begs the question, Were there any other Jews before Abram? Nope. I argue there is no such thing as Hebrew centric DNA. The Jews everyone cries about are not even Jews, didn’t we just establish there are no real Jews?
I want to say people should worry less about Jews and more about Kahzarian name stealers that perpetrate as Jews. But how would we ever tell the difference between the two?
Does this evangelical sound like a Jew loving Israel first sycophant? All the Jew talk really is ridiculous. Whether you think Jews are good or evil or nobody, the fact is God created a nation called Israel in a day. He prophesied he was gonna do it like 2700 years ago. Wanda ya know. It happened. Since then the whole world has been signing over their sovereignty to the UN. 2020 was the year of global coordination and action. It will only continue to progress. A great majority have already been fulfilled. How few prophecies remain? Do you know? You should look into it. God gave us prophecy to assure us. So we could see him moving among us.
Jesus is coming and eventually all will stand before the Father in judgement. Will Jesus know your name? If so He will intercede on your behalf. If not, the lake of fire awaits you. Repent NOW! Ask Jesus to be your personal savior. He will send His spirit to you and guide you. Most of all He will know your name.
Nobody gives a shit. This forum isn't the place to hash out the finer talking points of your Jew hatred dogma.
Where are the OCD Muslim hating patriots who are completely obsessed with posting shit about Muhammad here?
They're not here, why? Is it because the Muslim faith isn't completely fucked up? No.
I'll tell you why they're not here ... because there's no currently ongoing psyop designed to infiltrate GAW and gaslight everyone against Muslims.
There are hundreds of fucked up perverted religions. Why aren't you going on about the flaws in Mormonism? Scientology? Catholicism?
We are creatures of pattern recognition. We notice patterns and also where patterns don't exist.
Somehow, all the other religion haters in the world haven't found their way into the Q community but there you are with your Jew hatred bullshit (insert overtones of Naziism and all the leftists who are pro-Gaza and anti-Israel).
You are one of two things. You're either a DARPA AI bot pulling off a psyop, or a weak minded fool who believed the psyop.
What exactly did I say that triggered you so much? None of it is Jew hate. Read your Bible. It’s all there. Read your Old Testament. It’s all there.
Why are you complaining that I’m not complaining about any other religion when we are in a thread specifically speaking of evangelicals and Jews?
Am I supposed to start bagging on Muslims while in a thread discussing Catholics? Or is it Mormons with Catholics? I’m confused.
You may not have liked the comment about Hebrew DNA but the point I made is logical. Other than that my comments were supportive of Jews.
Lose that chip in your shoulder and write more than insults next time. Maybe you’ll find yourself in an actual discussion for once.